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Sunday, March 13, 2016

rock on . . .

i leave behind a trail of words around the world wherever i go. this one was found at the lovely shop of studio patro.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

coal in your xmas stocking is bad . . .

ROCKS in your christmas stocking is GOOD !

just added some new rocks to my online store . . . 

Saturday, September 05, 2015

rock on.

these rocks are the bane of my existence. the truth is, i have a love/hate relationship with them: i’ve been making them continuously for over 15 years. they take much more work than meets the eye. it is my personal belief that it was the direct cause of my “frozen shoulder.” i have made thousands and THOUSANDS of them. BUT, i love leaving them around the world for people to find. i think the power of a single word can sometimes be more meaningful than an entire sentence. and i’m continually learning new ways to make the process of making them more efficient, even after all of these years and all of these rocks. i liken it to the movie JIRO DREMAS OF SUSHI . . . i am continuing my quest to perfect the art of making a rock (although i will only make them for TWO stores).

this batch of 500 rocks is heading to the ISABELLA STEWART GARDNER MUSEUM.

Friday, May 16, 2014

friday field trip (from the sketchbook).

july 2005
ullastret, spain 

we had dinner at this INCREDIBLE restaurant in northern spain. it was truly an epic meal. so much so, that i left one of my word rocks on the waitress’s tip tray. usually, i leave my rocks around the world in obscure places hoping people will find them, but i wanted our waitress to have it . . . 9 years later, she tracked me down on FACEBOOK and posted this picture of said rock. she says she carries this rock with her everywhere she moves to. now she lives in england. it sends chills down my spine . . . 

Monday, March 10, 2014

rock on.

there are a lot of new rocks in the shop . . . 

Friday, September 21, 2012


i made these limited edition VOTE rocks.

i think they speak for themselves.


site by myhreco