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Thursday, February 19, 2015

gung hay fa choy.

happy year of the sheep !

i LOVE sheep. it is obviously going to be a really great year . . . 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

gung hay fat choy.

wilma and i are wishing everyone a prosperous year of the snake.

Friday, February 12, 2010

friday field trip (from the sketch book).

guangzhou, china

november 2003

this sunday, february 14th, marks 2 big holidays . . . valentine’s day and the start of the Chinese New Year. it is the year of the TIGER (which happens to be MY year). it is a chinese tradition to eat long noodles on this day to signify a long and prosperous life. because of this, the noodles are never cut or shortened in the belief that it would be bad luck and would shorten that person’s life. they are served long and whole, like other foods served during the Chinese New Year, since the Chinese also believe that presenting food whole is symbolic for “completeness.”

Monday, January 26, 2009

gung hai fat choy.

(happy new year).  today begins the year of the ox in the chinese zodiac. my aunt gave me this jacket that i wore at my wedding. the jacket belonged to my grandmother who passed away before i was born.  it is a beautiful handmade jacket with great detail and incredible hand stitching. she had the jacket made in china many many years ago.  it amazes and delights me that the jacket fit me so  perfectly. knowing that my grandmother and i were the exact same size makes me feel close to her in some odd way.  and though i never got the chance to meet her, i have the great privilege of owning a little piece of her.

i have some of these special year of the OX toilette plaques available here.
a few things you can do today to bring luck for the year:
1.  open the windows and doors.
2. eat sweets.
3. change the sheets on the bed.
a few things you should NOT do today.
1. get a haircut (just by chance, i have an appointment TOMORROW)
2. wear black or white.
3. wash your hair.
4. buy shoes.
5. sweep the floor.
i wish everyone a very happy and prosperous chinese new year.

site by myhreco