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Friday, August 18, 2017

two cookies.

actually . . . more like 1.5 cookies.

Monday, March 18, 2013

wet dog.

welllllll . . . i tried to hide from having to take a bath, but somehow my mama found me. i don’t really mind the bath once i’m in the hot water and my back is being scratched, it’s just the initial shock that i hate. but the very BEST thing about taking a bath are the COOKIES that mama gives me when it’s over.

Friday, November 13, 2009

friday field trip (from the sketchbook).

november 2009
berkeley, california

i grew up in a chinese restaurant and there was always a giant tin of fortune cookies there. this shape is so familiar and comforting to me. and i loved the idea of the hidden message inside. like secret words from far beyond that would somehow make your life better.

a fortune + a cookie = the perfect food
Thursday, November 05, 2009

santa wants a cookie.

the elves have been busy in the shop making these hand painted cookie plates for santa. they know how GRUMPY he gets when there are no cookies for him. so remember to leave him a big stack of cookies if you want any of the GOOD presents !

you can get one at the san francisco museum of craft + design or at my shop here.

site by myhreco