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Monday, April 20, 2015

tea for two . . .

. . . or FIVE. one of my most favorite things to do is to stop what i’m doing for a spot of tea. it is so important for me to take a break during the day, to stop and reflect, to just be still. i equally enjoy doing it alone OR with a friend or two or FIVE. make time for TEA !

Thursday, September 04, 2014

tea time.

i’ve been working like a maniac these days. but i always make time for tea ! there is nothing better than putting your feet up and reflecting on what you’ve done and what you still need to do . . . 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

tea time.

lately i’ve been hosting a lot of tea parties in my studio. it’s my new favorite time of day and it feels so civilized to actually sit and sip a cup of tea over conversation. my word of the month is “pause.” i highly recommend it.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

tea time.

i could (and sometimes do) sit around and drink tea ALL. DAY. LONG.

Friday, July 12, 2013

friday field trip (from the sketchbook).

02 june 2013
vallauris, france

this was my “to go” tea cup in france this year. you can read more about here. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

it’s tea time.

i usually drink my tea out of a mason jar or a pint glass (i like a LOT of tea). but sometimes it’s nice to be somewhat civilized and to drink out of a proper teacup. i made a few of them to try them out for size. you can see them here and here.

Friday, June 11, 2010

friday field trip (from the sketch book).


february 2006

i like to drink copious amounts of tea, and have never met a teacup big enough to suit my needs. but i am completely sold on the mason jar. the shape of the neck keeps the tea nice and HOT + it holds the perfect amount of liquid quantity. it’s tea for two (or three) in one cup.
Thursday, June 25, 2009

tea for two.

today i had the most delightful afternoon tea with my new friend pouké. she has a charming house in berkeley with a secret garden backyard and birds that visit and revisit her (she feeds them such delicacies !). what a tranquil hideaway and the perfect setting for an afternoon tea.

pouké is an exquisite french renaissance woman who can do just about anything. she is an accomplished food stylist (yes, she made the scones and the apricot tarts . . . delicious. oh, and she also made the tea from scratch and grew the herbs for the tea ! . . . see what i mean ?) . . . 

but she is also an amazing painter and photographer.  i utterly adore her paintings. they are beautifully simple and they draw you in until you can’t stop looking at them. we met through our husbands and we were instantly drawn to each other.  i think we share a lot of the same sensibilities and aesthetics, which makes for a very easy and lovely friendship.
visit her incredible food blog, life blog, and website.
Sunday, March 01, 2009

coffee break.

four years ago, i gave up my severe addiction to coffee. it was just making me nervous and sweaty anyway, not a good combination.  plus it never really did taste as good as it smelled. but the other day i was at farley’s and the penetrating aroma of coffee so entranced me, that i ordered a latte. i thought i was in heaven.  it was the creamiest, smoothest, and most satisfying liquid i could have ever imagined, and it even tasted as good as it smelled, maybe even better. though i’m still not converting back, i think i may indulge every now and again. because still for me, tea is the new coffee.

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