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Friday, August 21, 2015

suddenly so cold.

the only thing cuter than a sheep is a freshly SHORN sheep.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

friend or foe ?

these sheep were extremely interested in wilma. she couldn’t decide if they were friendly and wanted to play or if they were just sizing her up for a meal.

Monday, August 19, 2013

baaa. baa. baaaaaa.

now SHEEP, i LIKE. they are so soft and quiet, plus they have very small teeth.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Back in the spring of 1939, it was an anonymous civil servant who was entrusted with finding the slogan for a propaganda poster intended to comfort and inspire the populace should, heaven forbid, the massed armies of Nazi Germany ever cross the Channel.

70 years later, this slogan has resurfaced and is now a common phrase seen and used everywhere . . . . due largely in part to people like victoria smith of sfgirlbybay (she is also mentioned here).

to me, it is such a wonderfully poignant sentiment. this is my tribute and interpretation of that ever so touching statement.

site by myhreco